Fruit of Hope Ministry

Fruit of Hope Ministry

Achieving official 501(c)(3) status marks a significant milestone for Fruit of Hope Ministry. This designation not only validates the organization's commitment to its mission but also opens up opportunities for funding and partnerships that can further amplify its impact.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, Fruit of Hope Ministry can now receive tax-deductible donations from individuals and businesses, allowing supporters to contribute to its cause while also receiving financial benefits. This status also enhances the organization's credibility and transparency, reassuring donors that their contributions will be used effectively to benefit the community.

Please mail checks to Fruit of Hope Ministry at W1279 Saylesville Rd Rubicon WI 53078

Mission Statement

To offer people a healing journey by aiding in pivotal incremental improvements to their health and well being.


A healing community where people come to optimize their health, well being and performance thru organic practices and biohacking the way God intended.

Our Services

Hocatt and Hugo Sessions:

Single session      $125

  • 5 Pack..................$575 ($115/per session)
  • 10 Pack................$1,000 ($100/per session)
  • 20 Pack...............$1,700 ($85/per session)

Extended Stay Options $1,995 per week
Included in extended stay:

  • private accommodations in our private healing facility
  • daily Hocatt/Hugo sessions
  • daily fresh organic juice
  • 2 daily organic meals

1x per week

  • massage
  • chiropractic
  • acupuncture
  • hair services
  • physical therapy
  • stretching

During your free time at our facility, please enjoy picking fresh fruits and vegetables, walking our beautiful trails along our 8 acres of our hobby farm, enjoy the farm animals and the peace and quiet of disconnecting from the busyness of the world.

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Ready to get healthier?

Call us at 262-388-0054



Fruit of Hope ministry’s inception began due to the overwhelming need to give holistic health options for people on their health journey. Our primary goal , (or passion) is to walk along side others during any part of their healing journey.

Through generous donations like yours, we will provide a holistic, organic , healing retreat that is unique and incomparable.

Through community , we will bring people together to share and aid in each individuals healing.

Our HOCATT and Hugo therapies are only the beginning of what Fruit of Hope provides. 

We will offer numerous healing and nutritional options thru our faithful and faith-fed volunteers.

Please get involved and donate now. We appreciate your kindness.

Your contributions will help us in meeting our goals as we continue to grow our healing facility and ultimately help our community.




Fruit of Hope Ministry evolved out of a great need for a place of healing without the burden of expenses.

Although some of our clients can afford their treatments, some may not and that is where our scholarship program was started.

Please read about our wonderful friends who are in need of your financial support. Please pray about helping them while they are here with us.

Learn More Donate

Scholarship Bio

Glioblastoma, ozone therapy, aronia berry all new words to me this year. I ended my 2022 year with a very unexpected migraine that lasted multiple days and got progressively worse leading to an ER trip shortly before Christmas. I was admitted following a CT scan that found a golf ball size brain tumor. Surgery was scheduled 2 days later. After 2 more nights in the hospital and some therapy checks I was sent home to recover with very little information. Glioblastoma. What on earth is that?? 

Before I left the hospital I started asking, what should I be eating? Knowing that I should be eating a certain way because I had cancer, but no information about how to make the journey better for myself. Every person I asked responded with keep eating whatever you can. Keep up the calories. Even, “sugar is good for your brain.” 

Meanwhile before I even had surgery, my bestie Jody was already reaching out to her new friend Becky at Burgies Berry Farm with the amazing Ozone therapy and PEMF machines that have 10 modalities to help fight against cancer cells and rebuild healthy cells. How have I never heard of this awesome resource?

From the day that I met Becky I was able to get the information I had been seeking about nutrition. She is full of knowledge and so willing to share everything that she knows to get you started on the path to whole body wellness so your body can heal and restore naturally. Aronia Berry was the first step. It is considered a super berry that is highest in antioxidants and can help fight cancer cells.

Then Becky started putting me in the Ozone therapy and Hugo machines even before I could start any traditional treatments. I found that they gave me a boost of energy and even improved my appetite as I started to feel some of the side effects. I was able to keep most of my hair even after 6 weeks of targeted head radiation and chemotherapy pills.  

Now I am continuing my journey to fully restore and recover from brain surgery and Glioblastoma as I continue to use Becky’s knowledge and tools to starve cancer cells and seek NED as I detox my body. No evidence of disease. That is my prayer!

You have cancer.  Three words that took my breath away.  After the doctor, said those three words, I really don’t remember anything else he said.  That was in February of 2023.

 Let’s back up to March of 2022 when all of this started.  In March of 2022 I started having difficulty swallowing my supplements and with a week I couldn’t swallow solid food.  After many doctor visits and test I ended up in the hospital as my heart was failing , due to weight loss ( I was down to 90 lbs) , and I was unable to care for myself.  My husband had to help me walk and help me dress early on.  It was a real struggle .  After my second hospitalization, my friend , Becky, reached out to me to let me know that she had several machines (the HOCATT and Hugo )at Burgie’s Berry Farm, that would help me to regain my quality of life and help me regain some of my independence.  Prior to this I had never heard of anything like these machines.  Also, with not being able to swallow solid food, Becky introduced me to their aronia berry goat whey protein, which was a life saver for me. I was able to maintain my weight at 93 lbs with this power house protein. 

My first couple visits to Becky, I was unable to walk by myself and my husband, Darren would have to help me in and out and off of the machines.  Fortunately, it only took a few weeks of treatment with the HOCATT and the Hugo, for me to be able to regain walking on my own and having the stamina to do the things I used to do before my health crisis. 

In September of 2022 , I was officially diagnosed with EMD , esophageal motility disorder, which means that my esophagus doesn’t work right.  There are some surgeries that can possibly help this disorder, but because my entire esophagus didn’t work, I was not a candidate for surgery.  The doctors told me there was nothing that could be done.  So, I continued to go to Becky for treatment in hopes of just maintaining where I was at. 

In February of 2023, fed up with only swallowing soups and smoothies, I reached out to another doctor for a second opinion. Dr. Chicoine was the doctor who realized that no one ever looked into my lungs and he said that difficulty swallowing can be a symptom of lung cancer.  So, after a CT and a PET scan, it was confirmed, lung cancer in my right lung. 

After my lung cancer diagnosis, I started coming to Burgies Berry Farms 2 times a week as I wanted to continue to maintain my independence during treatment. The HOCATT has so many modalities that even help to fight cancer cells. 

On May 9th of this year, I had my upper right lung removed along with the lymph nodes around it to hopefully remove all the cancer.  Since surgery, my right lung has collapsed twice, but now, I am currently 7 weeks out from surgery and I am doing ok.  I still can’t swallow food, which several doctors say may never come back.  But , I am hopeful. With God, anything is possible. (Ephesians 3:20 “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.”)

My oncologist referred us to a doctor at Northwestern University, who deals specifically with my diagnosis.  However, he is out of our insurance network, but I have faith if it is God’s will for us to go, we will.   I will continue to use the HOCATT and HUGO machines to continue my healing mission and to hopefully find a treatment to heal my esophagus.  Also, praying that my next scan is Cancer-free.

My name is Samantha. I found Becky, her berry farm and the HOCATT machine though a friend who recommended her to me as I navigate my healing journey. Becky has been so helpful to me in every way. She has supported me in the most amazing ways through my healing process. Not only has Becky helped me with a scholarship to use the HOCATT machine, she has also connected me with many wonderful new people that have become good friends to me and have also been guiding me as I heal. Becky has the most loving and upbeat personality, and I love to visit her and the berry as well as spend time in the HOCATT. Plus, the berries are the best!

Philippians 2:3

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves."

Volunteer Opportunities

Whether you feel led to help with Fruit of Hope monetarily, your time or sharing our ministry and vision with others, we are incredibly grateful.

Examples of volunteers include; chiropractors, massage therapist, acupuncturist, cosmetologist, builders, plumbers, electricians, masonry and any other skill that could help us grow this ministry.

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